The ECOWAS Network of Electoral Commissions (ECONEC) is the umbrella organization of Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) in West Africa. It is a member of the Association of African Election Authorities (AAEA).
Founded in February 2008 to promote free, fair and credible elections, the Network was inspired by the 1991 ECOWAS Declaration of Political Principles on Freedom, People’s Rights and Democratisation. This is a reaffirmation of the commitment to the relevant provisions of the ECOWAS Protocol relating to the Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution, Peacekeeping and Security (1999); guided by the Supplementary Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance (2001) and the Decision of Heads of State and Government of Dakar (2003). This regional initiative demonstrates a renewed commitment to democracy in Africa and strengthening of a democratic order in the continent.

- The promotion of free and credible elections in West Africa;
- The promotion of independent and impartial election organisations and administrators;
- Strengthening public confidence in the electoral process through free and credible electoral procedures;
- The development of professional election officials with integrity, with a strong sense of public service and a commitment to democracy;
- To bring predictability to the framework for elections;
- Commitment to the promotion and consolidation of democratic culture to create a conducive environment for the peaceful organization of elections;
- The sharing of experiences, information, technology and election documents;
- Cooperation for the improvement of electoral laws and practices;
- Gradual harmonization of electoral laws and practices, as appropriate, capitalizing on good practice in electoral matters;
- Rationalization and pooling of resources to reduce the cost of conducting elections;
- Improving the working conditions of its members in the fulfilment of their mandate.